Opposite of Mindfulness

I object to the ‘ful(l)’ in this therapy. What word could be used to empty my mind that is full already with OCD worries? Mindlessness? The definition for mindlessness is certainly not attractive or one you would feel happy to use, but perhaps Mindlessen would work?

I appreciate the purpose of ‘mindfulness’ and the popularity it has gained – my therapist tried hard to get me to do this, but it doesn’t work for me and I’ve been trying to think of a word to describe how I want to reduce thoughts or remove thoughts bouncing around annoyingly and continually, pestering me. Drinking alcohol is the only time my mind doesn’t race at speed – not ideal, but true, and easy/enjoyable to apply rather than medication.

The definitions for ‘lessen’ are: diminish, reduce, decrease, decline, lower, minimize, cut, tail off, ease off, let up, and die down – yes please to all of the above! I need to apply ‘Mindlessen’ rather than mindfulness and that is my slighly controversial thought for today.

Mindlessen rather than mindfulness
Mindlessen rather than mindfulness